Manage My Existing Foundation
The administration of your private foundation or supporting organization can be very complex, difficult, and time-consuming. Keeping up on your required filings and maintaining effective program administration to keep your foundation in compliance with IRS regulations can be a full-time job. Perhaps you currently have an administrator that you aren’t completely happy with or the cost of your administration has increased.
Crewe Foundation Service’s full suite of foundation management tools and administrative services will allow you to focus on the important work – charitable giving. Allow us to handle the following aspects of administration:
- Grants Management
- Full online access for research and grant requests
- Grant recipient due diligence and qualification
- Set up and negotiations of all grant agreements
- Foreign grant setup and management
- Grant processing
- Grant reporting
- Grant responses and communication
- Annual and quarterly Grant Reports
- Accounting and Bookkeeping
- Annual and quarterly statement of activity to foundation board and management
- Tax Reporting and Filing
- Compliance Management with State and Federal Regulators